Watch A Zehnder System Installation

Aug 9, 2023 | Uncategorized

How does a Zehnder System fit together? Watch as our friends from The Build Show go through the rough-in process for mechanical and ventilation on a new net-zero home build:

“Building a net-zero home isn’t easy. It takes knowledgeable designers, builders, and homeowners, upfront investment, quality materials, and a team that’s focused on every detail from start to finish. Most homeowners and builders don’t know which conversations to have to set a project up for success.

Steve Baczek is an architect passionate about educating folks about building science and is eager to open this conversation. From early on transparency, assigning “homework,” and high-quality building products, Steve walks you through how to turn a house from an idea into a high-performance home. Steve shows you how to not just focus on the solution to a problem, but the importance of the questions you ask to get there.
Steve will use his recently designed all-electric, net-zero homes to showcase what homeowners don’t know they’re missing – a better-built home. Watch his process from design to finish in this 24-part series to learn what it really takes to build better.”