Resource Library

startup vid image

Video: Pre-Commissioning a CAQ Unit Start Up

Wiring vid image

Video: Wiring on the ComfoAir Q – Option Box, Lan-C, Boost Switches and More

Build Tight Brochure

Health & Well-Being Brochure

Register Cover Options Overview

Zehnder Luna Diffuser

Luna-S/Luna-E Informational Brochure

Zehnder CSY ComfoAirQ-OptionBox Millieu basement

ComfoAir to ComfoAir Q Comparison

ComfoAir Q600 ERV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir Q600 HRV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir Q450 ERV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir Q450 HRV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir Q350 ERV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir Q350 HRV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir Q600 ERV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir Q600 HRV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir Q450 ERV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir Q450 HRV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir Q350 ERV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir Q350 HRV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir 550 HRV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir 350 HRV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir 200 ERV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir 200 HRV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir 200 HRV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir 160 ERV HVI Certificate

ComfoAir 160 ERV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir 160 HRV PHI Certificate

ComfoAir 70 PHI Certificate

Cheerful family sitting on sofa at home

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)