How to Find Allergy Relief During the Spring


Common Seasonal Allergy Triggers

In most areas of the United States, seasonal allergy sufferers are in the midst of an ongoing battle with allergy triggers right now. “Allergy season” generally runs from February through early summer, though it may vary slightly depending on how mild or severe the winter is and when plants begin to pollinate. Certain plants that bloom in the fall and summer, such as ragweed and grass, may also trigger seasonal allergy symptoms.

Seasonal Allergy Triggers

While specific allergy triggers may vary from individual to individual, certain seasonal triggers affect a large population of allergy sufferers. Pollen and mold are two of the most common allergy triggers, and both are typically plentiful during the warm, wet days of spring and early summer. Mold spores and pollen both travel through the air, so allergy sufferers breathe these substances in and begin to display allergy symptoms. An allergist can perform tests to help allergy sufferers pinpoint specific allergy triggers.

Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Seasonal allergy symptoms may vary, but typically include some or all of the following:

•Itchy eyes
•Stuffy or a runny nose
•Sore throat
•General fatigue

Seasonal Allergy Relief

To find relief from seasonal allergy triggers, it is best to consult an allergist to work out strategies for avoiding specific triggers. Keeping track of mold and pollen counts can be helpful in understanding how best to counter allergy symptoms on a daily basis. Taking a shower and changing clothes after being outdoors can reduce exposure to allergy triggers. If allergic reactions are severe, wearing a mask while outdoors may help to minimize exposure to triggers.

Home Ventilation

When in the home, keeping doors and windows shut during allergy season can help to keep some of the pollen and mold from infiltrating the air. Selecting a home with a tight building envelope and installing a high-quality ventilation system such as a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) or Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) can help to dilute the concentration of common seasonal allergy triggers in the indoor air. An HRV/ERV will filter pollen and other allergens out of the fresh air flow entering the home.