
Winter Home Ventilation Considerations for Cold Climates


With the cold temperatures of winter descending upon most areas of the United States, there is a desire to keep as much heat as possible in the home. Ventilation systems can sometimes make it difficult to retain the heat in the home, as the warmed air is cycled out and the cold air is cycled in. This can spike electric and gas bills and affect the comfort level of the home. Humidity levels may also be difficult to control, resulting in dry

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How Long Does it Take to Install a Zehnder Ventilation System? 7 Points to Consider


As the demand for high indoor air quality increases, builders and architects are interested in installing state-of-the-art ventilation systems in high-performance projects. This is an excellent opportunity to distinguish a contractor or design firm as a leader in innovative ventilation solutions. As the leader in high-efficiency heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators, the Zehnder America team is often asked about what to expect in the installation process and how long it will take to install a system. In the graphic

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A Pet’s Effect on Indoor Air Quality


According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, approximately 37 percent of U.S. households contain dogs and 30 percent of homes contain cats. Pets often bring owners companionship and happiness. However, pets may also bring unwanted allergens into the home and affect the air quality. There are ways to mitigate these issues, but awareness is key. Pets and Allergens While many people think that making sure their animals have short hair will help to mitigate allergy symptoms, this is often not the case. Millions

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How Do You Know How Much Ventilation a Home Needs?


When deciding upon ventilation for your home, it is important to make sure you select a system that is capable of adequately circulating the air. Ventilation systems are built to different specifications and have different capacities. Ventilation needs may also differ depending on the way your home is set up and the standards that you are trying to achieve. For more open homes, it may make sense to rely on a cascade effect that allows fresh air piped into bedrooms to

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Myths about Mold


Mold spores are not visible to the naked eye and occur virtually everywhere on Earth. There are all different kinds of mold; some are used to make penicillin, others are used to age cheese, while others are harmful to health when inhaled. Over the last decade, “mold” has become a sort of trigger word that invokes scary images of persistent coughing and untreatable health conditions. The following are a few common myths about mold and the truth behind the fiction. Homes

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The SURE HOUSE, Winner of the 2015 Solar Decathlon


Every two years, the U.S. Department of Energy holds the Solar Decathlon. The Solar Decathlon is a contest that challenges colleges and their students to come up with an innovative design that is energy efficient and cost effective. The homes must also be functional and attractive, as consumer appeal is one point that is also judged. This year, the Stevens Institute of Technology won with their entry of the SURE HOUSE. Winning the Competition Fourteen teams competed in this year’s decathlon. The competition was held over

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Challenges to Ventilating Apartment Buildings


Apartment buildings that house multiple families come with unique challenges to ventilation, especially if the owners and tenants wish to keep the building energy efficient. If proper controls are not in place, air may be transferred from one apartment to another, making it more difficult to cycle out stale air. The stack effect, air flow, and external versus internal pressure also come into play. Curtain Walls Can Allow Thermal Bridges and Air Leaks The typical curtain wall construction used in many high rise

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What is Balanced Ventilation?


The air in a tightly sealed home can be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air. While a tight building envelope is important for energy conservation, ventilation is very important for filtering out the polluted air and infusing the home with fresh, unpolluted air. Unfortunately, systems that rely on exhaust-only or supply-only ventilation can throw off the pressure in a home and have limited ability to filter the air. A balanced ventilation system is much better at filtering pollutants out

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5 Ways Good Indoor Air Quality Benefits Homeowners


Many people do not think about indoor air quality or the effect that it has on their health and well being. While it is commonly understood that air pollution is harmful, most think of air pollution in terms of outdoor air. Since the average American spends about 90 percent of their time indoors, however, indoor air quality can have a huge impact. To look at it from a positive perspective, the following are several benefits provided by good indoor air quality. 1.   Better Breathing If

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Energy Efficiency Considerations for Hot Climates


When speaking of energy efficiency, it is most common for experts to talk about optimizing energy savings in cold climates. This makes sense in America, as the majority of the country’s energy needs increase when the weather turns cold. However, energy efficiency is also important and attainable in hot climates. With the right strategies, design elements, and appliances in place, homes in places like Florida and Louisiana can become just as energy efficient as those in the north and Midwest. Building

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